Last night I was trying to explain to my children that indeed I am the master of all knowledge. They tend to disagree with me on this point. Joshua likes to test this claim by asking me questions on a plethora of topics. In an act of great desperation to not answer his theoritcals that are unanswerable I made the grand exclamation, "Boys, I am the M-theory in the flesh." For those who don't know the M-theory is a theory about the very basic substance of the universe. It is a unifying theory of basically all things (Please note I'm not a physicist so if I didn't explain M-theory real well I beg your forgiveness).
Now the boys did not catch on to what I said and continued to ask me questions about my knowledge of all things. So again, I told them, "Guys, I am telling you that I'm the M-theory in the flesh." To which Joshua responded, "Um, wouldn't that be Jesus?"
Nerd theology.
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