I would like to encourage everyone to take a moment to write to your congressional representatives to express your concern for Asia Bibi. Asia is a Christian woman, wife, and mother of 2 girls who has been sentenced to death by hanging in Pakistan for the charge of blasphemy against Muhammad. You can read more about her story and view a news report video at this link: Mother Condemned to Death.
Let me encourage you to hand write to your representatives. Email is great but I have recently learned that our representatives are more apt to actually see your letter if you have taken the time to hand write it and mail it in. If you do not know where to write you can use this link to find your representatives: Contact Congress.
When you write ask that they will put public pressure on the Pakistani government to intervene and to set Asia free. Ask that they make a public stand for the freedom of worship and freedom of speech. Ask them to use their influence to have the world community to be involved in this tragic situation.
Finally and most importantly, keep Asia and all persecuted believers in your prayers.